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Front-End Development’s Big Three: ReactJS VS VueJS VS Angular
Using Front-End Development Having sites and applications look and feel professional is crucial. How it performs says a lot about you, your company, and the quality of your products and services. Thankfully,…
Adam Tan Aug 22, 2018 -
5 Reasons Why Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Can Strengthen Bonds Between You and Your Clients
We can’t stop innovation. We can only choose to support it or risk missing out altogether. Nevertheless, it’s 2018! It’s one of the many–although equally significant–years where we’ve hit a technological…
Adam Tan Aug 17, 2018 -
Escape the Not Secure Label: Switch to HTTPS
Switching from HTTP to HTTPs Previously, Google announced that it’ll be more determined to pursue and advocate for an increased safety standard with Chrome 62. This is no surprise since security has always been…
Adam Tan Aug 16, 2018 -
Why You Shouldn’t Disregard THIS Python
A program code created by one developer can be unintelligible when passed on to another developer. Even for trained developers, some codes can still be confusing. Each language uses a specific set of jargon which…
Adam Tan Aug 6, 2018
Author: Adam Tan
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