Using Psychology in Graphic Design
Using Psychology in Graphic Design significantly improves your marketing materials. Just as people ascribe meanings to words and images, images and words convey meanings. Color Theory is a big part of psychological principles, as are font sizes and other graphic design elements.
Knowing basic psychology is helpful for a marketer—especially a digital marketer. Graphic design captures the attention of potential customers. After all, visual elements can communicate a subconscious message.
For instance, you can find vital information about a company in its logo. Another excellent example of the application of psychological principles is in Email Marketing.
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Thus, Graphic Designers must understand psychological parameters to evoke emotions. So, how can graphic design and psychological principles help your business?
Why is Graphic Design Important?
Consumers can see whether you’re a brand worth their time in 50 milliseconds. You can’t achieve popularity with consumers if you only have a block of text. Thus, great branding is crucial for a company.
You need to stand out from other businesses with unique branding, especially with social media. Additionally, your business must use attractive visuals. You must utilize Psychology in Graphic Design to attract the attention of potential customers!
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Elements to Incorporate into Branding
There are many types of graphic design you must know about. In addition, when creating something like a logo, a designer must take several things into account:
The Business’ Nature
The main factor is the nature of the business. After all, you must know your client before you start designing. Otherwise, you could spend so much time and effort on a design that doesn’t comply with your client’s sensibilities.
So, when creating a design for a particular business, you should first consider what kind of business it is.
Existing Branding and Identity
Generally, a company should send in their preferences for designs. However, if the company already has preexisting branding, graphic designers should emulate it, as it is their identity.
Not only that, a company must have a consistent brand identity. A graphic designer should only break away from the current branding if the company is rebranding or starting a new venture.
The Logo
The point of creating a logo is so that people can understand your company and its nature at a glance. It takes a person 10 seconds to judge your brand logo but “up to seven impressions” to recognize it.
As a result, if your branding is too offensive to the eyes, you fail. However, you’ve failed if your logo or other graphics force people to decipher it. After all, your logo should communicate important information about your business in a snap.
So, having people stall and take precious time out of their day is a disservice to them. Additionally, it may open you up to ridicule.
Desired Design Elements
Elements such as colors and font are the most noticeable parts of branding and, therefore, the most important. Branding involves crucial design elements that create a cohesive and compelling identity for a company. These include the following:
- Logos;
- Color palettes;
- Typography;
- Imagery;
- Graphics;
- Taglines;
- Packaging;
- Website design;
- Advertising — both traditional and digital;
- UX/UI design;
- Motion graphics, etc.
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Graphic Design and Color Theory
Of course, Color Theory studies how colors interact and combine to create visual effects. Thus, it helps anyone who works with color, such as artists and designers. Then, they can make informed decisions about palettes, harmonies, and compositions.
As a result, an understanding of Color Theory can supercharge your brand message. There are many ways to apply it in graphic design for marketing.
Color Theory for Businesses
Food Businesses
For example, yellow and red are the go-to for a restaurant or food chain business. As proven by several restaurant logos, such as McDonald’s and Pizza Hut, the combination induces hunger. Adding red — the color of vigor and passion — will subconsciously spike people’s appetite.
Fast food companies don’t often use blue, but it can be part of color combinations involving yellow, red, and brown. Blue is not a very common color for food unless it’s specifically bubblegum-like flavor.
Trustworthy Businesses
Blue has few negative connotations, though it’s associated with mourning. Still, police officers, banks, and some hospitals use it.
Source: Wix.com, Inc.
Luxury Businesses
Black, gold, and purple signify luxury, so businesses dealing in high-end goods or services generally use them.
Healthcare Institutions
Colors like blue and green usually characterize the healthcare industry. It may even be the same on Electronic Medical Records Systems. Of course, it’s best to use light colors for care institutions, which are easy for your eyes to digest!
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Cultural Connotations and Considerations
Of course, colors are also subject to cultural attitudes, such as red, the color of danger. But in India, brides wear red for weddings because of its cultural association with purity. But, in some Eastern European countries, it’s associated with communism.
Green reminds one of the healthy leaves on a tree and is the color of money in some countries. Yet, in Indonesia, it has negative connotations involving infidelity.
So, the colors for a car dealership, trucking company, or digital business can vary.
How to Find a Graphic Designer Who Can Apply Psychology in Design
Knowing psychology is arguably just as valuable as having graphic design talent. After all, meanings are in people, and your job is to reach a broader audience. After all, 55% of organizations use graphic design to communicate with customers.
We’ve already covered facts about Graphic Designers. But here’s a checklist for finding a good graphic designer for your business.
A Good Graphic Designer Should:
- Avoid borrowing photos, vectors, and other images for the finished product.
- Follow the client’s vision or design parameters to a T.
- Understand the demographic they’re designing for.
- Adapt to any style assigned to them.
- Communicate effectively with clients.
- Get the right amount of information to create the design.
- Explain clearly why some designs may not work out and instead propose alternatives.
- Have an exciting portfolio.
Final Thoughts
Psychology in Graphic Design can work wonders for marketing. Not everyone has the time to read through a block of text about your company. So, eye-catching branding will save time while providing consumers with vital information.
To effectively illustrate your business’ brand through graphic design, you must combine your colors, text, font size, and other elements. Also, keep cultural attitudes to colors in mind during graphic design projects. It’s especially vital if your company caters to more than one area or country.
Thus, knowing your audience is just as critical as graphic design skills. A Filipino Graphic Designer is skilled at utilizing Color Theory in their designs.
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