Generating Leads in 2019: A 5-Minute Guide
What Generated Leads Are and How You Can Prepare to Look For Them in 2019
The process of converting a prospect into a sales lead is called lead generation. A generated lead is “someone who showed interest in a company product or service in any form or manner.” Usually, that interest gives value to a digital marketer when a lead provides email, business name, or contact number.
For instance, a visitor to a website who filled in a quotation form is a lead. Similarly, an individual has also downloaded your e-book in exchange for their email is also considered a lead.
Furthermore, leads are what drives any business or company. To entrepreneurs, it is essential for the development and success of your brand to have a consistent and reliable source of prospective fresh business that gives profit.
However, this is no easy task. In fact, 61% of digital marketers say generating traffic and leads remain their biggest challenge, according to Hubspot research. Moreover, only 1 out of 10 marketers say that their efforts produce results.
What Digital Marketers Need to Do To Get Generated Leads
If you take a look at it, the expected goal and journey of every digital marketer is to:
- Firstly, attract a new visitor (prospect) to what the business offers;
- Then, get him or her interested in the product/service (lead);
- Assist until he or she decides to buy (becomes a client); and
- Help with the client’s product experience so they can refer it to other people (they become promoters).
In intentional digital marketing, two methods can be at work:
- Attraction method. This strategy happens when most of your efforts focus on making significant improvements to your website. It also means that your primary goal is to capture the attention of the target audience and make them engage. However, it may not be enough.
- Connection method. This strategy, conversely, is your effort to deliberately reach out beyond your website to where your audience is and the places where they are probably exploring.

Source: Freepik
Remember, never buy leads. Firstly, the leads you buy do not know you and what you offer. In addition to that, they never really “opted-in” and got invested in receiving communication from you. Hence, the natural response to receiving an email from a stranger is an immediate spam flag, down to the unwanted messages.
So, if you already have that website and are looking for more ways to generate leads, we’re here to provide you insights in this article on your next steps.
Connect with Your Target Audience
In a glance, there are several new ways the ideal lead generation teams can connect with your audience and get leads, depending on your budget. To enumerate, here’s our breakdown:
1) If you have that marketing budget, do these in any order:
- Search engine marketing (paid advertising)
- Facebook Ads and Sponsored Stories
- Google Ads
- Twitter Promoted Tweets
- Youtube Ads (video ads)
- Premium live chat feature on your website
- Referral system with rewards and incentives
- Discounts and flash sales
- Freebies and vouchers
- Product or service launch, online and/or offline
- Sponsorships
2) Hubspot statistics show that 27% of marketers say securing enough marketing budget is their highest challenge. In short, if you have a tight budget, here’s what you can probably do to look for leads:
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Landing page optimization. Unbounce provides a simple infographic of what you should be doing:
- Do surveys and polls on engaging topics
- Leverage on social media and provide engaging content.
- Allow guest blogging
- Create engaging Youtube videos
- Email marketing.
- E-newsletters
- Blogs or business articles
- Create e-books and guides related to what you offer.
- Business or social videos
- Photos and imagery that builds customer trust and confidence.
- Create related infographics and statistics
- Conduct webinars or webcasts with presentations.
- Slideshare presentation uploads
- Research and expertise reports. Leads are generated when downloadable content can be exchanged with contact information.
- Do product or service reviews.
- Web graphics. Don’t forget to put in your URL and logo.
- White papers in exchange for contact information
- Encourage online reviews and comments about your product or service.
3) Other efforts to expand your reach:
- Join industry associations and business groups. Exchange calling cards with possible B2B partners.
- Attend Summits and conferences
- Lead-swapping partnerships
- Lastly, engage influencers to share what you offer. Remember, these people have a huge fan-base trusting them.
Recommendation: Never Be Afraid to Explore
In conclusion, there are just so many ideas to test out. Therefore, take your time to explore new ways and areas where your target audience is most likely to be. Once you get them to become leads, nurture them until you gave their trust and convert to become clients. After all, it’s never a comfortable journey, but you’ll find it worthwhile when you get the results.
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