Corporate Website is OUT, Storytelling-rich Website is IN
“The corporate website is dead”. This is what Ashley Brown, the Director of Digital Communications and Social Media of The Coca-Cola Company said; after they released their fresh and updated storytelling-rich website.
If you take one quick look at the new website of The Coca-Cola Company (http://www.coca-colacompany.com/), you can see an example of how appealing quality content marketing is. The site is showing everyone how the art of storytelling can influence one’s preference for a product, service or brand. It also presents how persistent they are to reach a good position in search engine; to gain respect and trust from the online audience.
Telling everyone that the corporate website is “dead” is not just a phrase. It comes from the leader of one of the world’s leading brands. As a matter of fact, there appears to be a growing number of research. This research shows that the corporate website as an online brochure is not working anymore.
This statement is supported by factual and convincing research:
- According to Webtrends, 70% of the largest 100 corporate websites have experienced a decline in their traffic, with an average drop of 23%!
- Only 20 % of your content (in a corporate website) is helping you in terms of traffic generation – InboundWriter
- There is only 60-70% of Business-to-Business marketing content goes unused. – Sirius Decision
- 60% of the buyer’s journey is complete before they reach out to the vendor. – CEB
All these information only show that it is about time for businesses to act like publishers when it comes to their websites. In addition, advertisers must turn their advertising methods into something that has the same concept of content marketing.
Should corporate websites die?
Forbes Contributor Christine Crandell said that there is an overwhelming evidence that most visitors scan site pages and leave because the information about your products or services is not what they are looking for. Crandell also believes that corporate website visitors are now looking for useful information such as human stories, best practice tips and anything that has the ability to interact with real people.
This is what Crandell wants to say to businesses that still have a corporate website:
“Do not bore your customers to death, there is a crystal clear evidence to put the dull corporate website to rest. Update your website as a platform for true community engagement that functions as a hub for interaction.”
All the information you have read only tells one thing, your storytelling-rich website should not act anymore as your sales tool, but it should contain educational or helpful information to build relationships and trust. Thus, should you need help, our digital marketing company in the Philippines will be more than willing to lend a hand. You can even hire a dedicated web team if you are still building your website from scratch.
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